Access SGM Beamline
Before sending mail-in samples to the CLS complete and submit the SGM Sample Mail-in Form found in Sample Mail-in Program, which has detailed instructions for completing the form.
Visit your User Portal to sign-in to your project, submit a proposal, update your project, request beamtime or report a publication.
Access your SGM data and perform data analysis on the SGM Data Website.
XAS Endstation
Normal Operations
The X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) endstation measures under ambient pressure and consists of a vacuum compatible PI hexapod for sample manipulation at better than 10 microns, two 150 mm long trapezoidal focusing Kirkpatric Baez (KB) mirrors for imaging/mapping at less than 50 x 50 microns and transmission, fluorescence, optical and electron detectors. Solid, liquid and gas samples can be measured, including in-situ and operando measurements.
XPS Endstation
OFFLINE (until Nov 2024)
The X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) endstation measures solid-state samples under ultra-high vacuum conditions with a variable polarization source (APPLE-II w/ 54 mm period).
There will be a six-month shut-down in 2024 for a major machine upgrade. Cycle 39-40 (Jan/24-Dec/24) Call for General User Proposals will open in July 2023. Polarization capabilities on the SGM beamline are available with advance notice.
The Spherical Grating Monochromator (SGM) beamline is a soft x-ray beamline located at the Canadian Light Source. The beamline is equipped with two in-line endstations that can be used for high resolution x-ray absorption spectroscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy. The first endstation is maintained at ultra high vacuum and houses a Scienta SES-100 photoelectron spectrometer and a single silicon drift detector. The second endstation is capable of operation at near-ambient pressures and uses an array of silicon drift detectors for measurement of partial fluorescence yields. The beam is focussed to 10 microns in this endstation for x-ray fluorescence mapping of light elements.